When the world was still young, some 3 500 million years ago, molten rock forced its way through the earth's crust and solidified to form the spectacular granite outcrops where Pretoriuskop Rest Camp is now nestled. The impressive granite dome known as "Shabeni Hill" is not far from the camp, which is found in the south-western corner of the KrugerNational Park. It is immediately apparent to any visitor that Pretoriuskop is unique as brilliant red trees adorn the camp, pre-dating the decision to make exclusive use of indigenous plants in laying out rest camp gardens. Nostalgia prompted an exception to the rule for Pretoriuskop, the KrugerNational Park's oldest rest camp, and exotic flowering plants were allowed to stay, enhancing the strong sense of the past that is so pervasive.
List of Establishments - Caravaning and Camping, Main Restcamp - Pretoriuskop, Kruger National Park, SA National Parks, South Africa, Travel Information Directory